Collection: Whipped Body Butters and Sugar Scrubs

These whipped body butters will help your skin feel even softer and more luxuriant when used with our soaps. 


Here are my current available fragrances:


1.      100% Natural Citrus Fantasy

2.      Aloe & Green Clover (Feelin’ Froggy)

3.      Apple Berry

4.      Apple Blossom

5.      Bahama Vacation

6.      Baja Cactus type

7.      Bamboo

8.      Banana Cabana type

9.      Bar Full of Happy

10.  Basil, Sage & Mint

11.  Bedtime Bath type

12.  Bergamot

13.  Black Raspberry Vanilla

14.  Black Sea

15.  Blackberry Sage

16.  Blood Orange & Goji Berries

17.  Blueberry

18.  Blueberry Cobbler

19.  Blueberry Vanilla

20.  Bow Ties & Bourbon (BBW type)

21.  Brazilian Coffee & Pure Cane

22.  Cantaloupe & Lily

23.  Caribbean Escape (BBW type)

24.  Cayman Sands

25.  Cedarwood (e.o)

26.  Chamomile (e.o)

27.  Cinnamon Bread Pudding

28.  Citrus Mimosa - Energy

29.  Coconut

30.  Coral Reef

31.  Cotton Candy

32.  Cuban Tobacco

33.  Cucumber Melon

34.  Dark Kiss

35.  Dragon’s Blood (Misunderstood Fairy)

36.  Drops of Rain

37.  Egyptian Musk

38.  Enchanted Sky

39.  Eucalyptus (e.o.)

40.  Eucalyptus Spearmint

41.  Fairy Garden (Fairy Rings)

42.  Fireside Cowboy

43.  Frankincense & Myrrh

44.  Freesia

45.  Fresh Cut Grass

46.  Fresh Linen

47.  Gain Type

48.  Garden Pixie

49.  Gardenia (Gardenia Gardens)

50.  Honey Fields

51.  Honeysuckle

52.  Hot Buttered Popcorn

53.  Hyacinth

54.  Jamaican Me Crazy

55.  Japanese Cherry Blossom

56.  Jasmine

57.  Kentucky Bourbon

58.  Lavender (e.o.)

59.  Lavender Flowers

60.  Lavender Vanilla

61.  Lemongrass

62.  Lemon Verbena

63.  Lilac (Dreaming in Lilac)

64.  Love Spell type

65.  Mango Papaya (Mango Madness)

66.  Mahogany Balsam (Evening Kiss)

67.  Mahogany Coconut

68.  Nag Champa

69.  Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey

70.  Orange Blossom

71.  Patchouli

72.  Peppermint (e.o.)

73.  Pine Forest

74.  Plumeria

75.  Pomegranate

76.  Pomegranate Coconut

77.  Rain

78.  Red Wine

79.  Rose (In The Roses)

80.  Rose Coconut Oud

81.  Rosebud & Sandstone

82.  Rosemary & Mint Aveda type

83.  Sandalwood

84.  Scorched Oak

85.  Sea Salt

86.  Sea Salt Caramel

87.  Sea Salt Rosemary

88.  Secret Garden

89.  Sneaky Link

90.  Somber Teakwood

91.  Sundrenched Vineyard (The Vineyard)

92.  Sweet Strawberry

93.  Tea Tree (e.o.)

94.  Vanilla Bourbon Frankincense

95.  Vanilla Sandalwood

96.  Violet

97.  Volcano type

98.  White Honey & Amber (The Sleeping Princess)

99.  White Tea & Ginger

100.                      Wild Cherry

101.                      Willow & Ivy

102.                      Woodland Citrus

103.                      Yu-Zen


Seasonal Scents


104.                      Autumn Equinox

105.                      Autumn Leaves

106.                      Caramel Apples

107.                      Cozy Flannel

108.                      Ghost Train

109.                      Pumpkin Cheesecake

110.                      Pumpkin Pecan Waffles

111.                      The Grim Reaper

112.                      Vampire Blood (BBW type)

113.                      Walk in the Woods



114.                      Balsam & Berry

115.                      Cinnamon Peppermint Crème

116.                      Christmas Cookie

117.                      Crisp Air & Winterberry

118.                      Elf Sweat

119.                      Sugar Plum

120.                      Vanilla Bean Noel

121.                      White Christmas